Growing Through Amazon's Product Seasonality: Beyond Good

6 Beyond Good Chocolate bars fanned out on a wooden background with a plant vine at the top of the image


Amazon’s seasonality means that Beyond Good’s holiday season success in the dark chocolate category gets nullified in the summer months when Amazon will not fulfill meltable products.

A baking scene with mixing bowls, flour, and eggs with Beyond Good's vanilla extract in the forefront.


We strategized with the Beyond Good team about the viability of using their vanilla product line as a summer-months hold-over to help smooth out the seasonality of Amazon’s fulfillment. With vanilla extracts, vanilla beans, and a vanilla powder product to offer, the idea was that Beyond Good could offer an additional base of sales for the winter months.

Baking scene with bowls and jars in the background. In the foreground is a jar of Beyond Good's Ground Vanilla.


The vanilla products, and the powder in particular, now provide a significant revenue stream in Beyond Good’s year-round portfolio. By directing strategy towards diversification, we were able to grow into a market with huge potential and stronger margins than the one the brand was already well established in.


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