Amazon Jacob van Berkum Amazon Jacob van Berkum

Becoming Retail Ready on Amazon

Becoming retail ready is a threshold that natural food sellers must cross before they can expect to grow on Amazon. Getting your listings and your brand retail ready is at once intuitive and vague, specific to the marketplace, and absolutely necessary before pursuing an aggressive ad spend

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Amazon Jacob van Berkum Amazon Jacob van Berkum

Targeting Different Audiences in Amazon

By setting up your advertising portfolio so that certain campaigns are targeting specific audiences, you will position yourself to have a better understanding of performance and budget allocation while retaining more control over scalability

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Amazon Jacob van Berkum Amazon Jacob van Berkum

Amazon’s Campaign Types

It’s important to utilize Amazon's Sponsored Products, Brands, and Display campaigns in order to occupy as much real estate as possible and maximize impressions for customers at every stage of the purchase funnel

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Amazon Jacob van Berkum Amazon Jacob van Berkum

Advertising on Amazon

There are a staggering number of brands selling natural foods on Amazon, which means competent advertising is a must if you hope to get your products onto consumers’ screens and into their carts

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